The fine selection of particularly strong green coffee varieties results in a round blend that is characterised by its dense and at the same time velvety aroma. With full body, long-lasting noble and expressive aroma, the Gmundner blend convinces with a refined variety of flavours. A palate pleaser of the highest quality with distinct taste characteristics. The Gmundner blend consists of 100% highland Arabica beans from Central America and Africa. The living culture of coffee roasting, which is passed on from generation to generation in the Nussbaumer house in Gmunden on Lake Traunsee, is a passion. The weekly roasting process guarantees that the coffee always comes freshly ground into your cup. Only freshly roasted coffee contains the full-bodied aromatic substances that are so characteristic of it.
Weight 0.25 kg

Gmundner Keramik Manufaktur GmbH & Co KG,

Keramikstraße 24, 4810 Gmunden,
